Creative Ideas for LED Tunnels for Events - Viewpointec

Creative Ideas for LED Tunnels for Events

The first impression made in an event is usually vital to boost your audiences’ experience. Incorporating LED tunnels for your events as an entrance creates a mind-blowing experience for the attendees leaving them yearning for more. LEDs have evolved over the years and are now being made in a variety of designs to improve their appeal and effects. At Viewpoint, we make your dreams possible by creating the most astounding designs for your LED tunnel.

There are various ideas used to develop LED tunnels, they are as follows.

Table of Contents

LED Light Tunnel

LED Light Display

These are LED lights used for the illumination of passageways as event entrance ideas. They can be used in any kind of corridor on roads, buildings, stadiums, museums, and so on. They are normally employed for high-end events to produce an exemplary experience for the audience. You can customize by using different colors and the addition of some fixtures for the lights creating an inviting environment. 

LED lights are cost-effective since they are sustainable meaning they consume less electricity and in turn lower the electric bill by a huge margin. Additionally, durability is another major feature of the LED lights. They are made using long-lasting material reducing the cost of maintenance and repairs. The utilization of LED lights for tunnels at events is a creative idea that should be embraced by all event organizers.

LED Video Tunnel

Floor and Ceiling LED Display

Another innovative way of creating the wow-factor at your event is using a custom LED video display in your entranceways and passageways. This is developed using flexible LED screens customized for your event and brand. This is simply displaying high-resolution videos on LED screens to capture guests’ attention and improve their experience at your event. You can also integrate the event’s theme on the videos to also broadcast and inform attendees on what to expect.

You could set the video to match with a particular song producing a good ambiance for your audience making them relaxed and ready for the event. The custom LED video display can be installed in tunnel walls, the flooring, and the ceiling to bring an even greater effect. Before embarking on this concept, always make sure to consult an experienced company to work on your event tunnels.

We prioritize our client’s needs to make sure we deliver the desired product for the success of the event. We use our expertise to maximize the size, color contrast, brightness, resolutions of the LED screens to ensure that they are above standard and impress you beyond your expectations.

Interactive LED Display Tunnel

Interactive and Immersive Experience

Interactive LED display generates a hypnotic effect on the audience making the experience an unforgettable one. The Virtual reality displays engage the audience making them active in the event elongating their attention span. The control panels for this technology are usually simplified to enable users to manipulate it to their liking. Special effects are included on the immersive domes creating the tunnels to make them capable of complex displays like simulations, and many more.

Using an interactive LED display tunnel as your event entrance idea will benefit your brand because the attendees will talk about their experience for a long time marketing your brand in the process. It also gives you an edge over your rivals since nothing beats the adventure encountered from Interactive LED displays. We dedicate our time and technology to realizing the best designs and displays for your event.


The main purpose of attending events is to gain knowledge while having a time of your life. Many event organizers find themselves in situations where they are not sure of what to include to make events memorable. The best solution is to incorporate LED ideas into your tunnel to make the entrance and passageways appealing to the audience. In our company, we can make excellent customization services for your event tunnels. Our products are very easy to control and program.

We guarantee you the best services you can get for your LED displays. For any inquiries about our LED products, contact us anytime for quality turnkey services.

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